Dolce & Gabbana Pour Femme by Dolce & Gabbana Eau De Parfum Spray 3.4 oz (Women)

Dolce & Gabbana Pour Femme by Dolce & Gabbana Eau De Parfum Spray 3.4 oz (Women)
Артикул: V728-498693
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If you enjoyed the rich floral bloom of the original version of Dolce & Gabbana Pour Femme, you'll also appreciate this 2012 redesign. Dolce & Gabbana mixed vanilla, marshmallow, tangerine, jasmine, and heliotrope to create a modern and fresh perfume that is reminiscent of the first rendition but offers a modern update. Women seeking an evolved fragrance that can be used all day should let Dolce & Gabbana Pour Femme into their lives.