Crunch PX-2025.1D 2000 Watt Mono Amplifier Car Audio Amp

Crunch PX-2025.1D 2000 Watt Mono Amplifier Car Audio Amp
Артикул: W290-PX20251D
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Dimensions: 3.5 X 11 X 13.5

  • POWER SUPPLY - High energy Pulse Width Modulated Power Supply delivers power with minimal impact on the electrical system.
    • OUTPUT CONNECTIONS - Nickel Plated Brass Connection with terminals allow for secure connection while resisting corrosion.
    • CONNECTION TYPE - Screw Down Connectors: Easy access for hand tool allowing a quick and secure connection.LED SYSTEM PROTECTION CIRCUITRY DIAGNOSTICS - Monitor overload and speaker short protection with lighted indicators on the amplifier end panel.
    • BASS REMOTE INCLUDED - Wired Bass Remote allows adjustments to bass frequencies to be made from the control mounted anywhere in the vehicle.