Blue Car Seat cushions Comfort Foam Seat Cushion Memory Foam Cushion Cushions

Blue Car Seat cushions Comfort Foam Seat Cushion Memory Foam Cushion Cushions
Артикул: PS-AUT15736981-JUSTIN00264
Вендор: A1 Products
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Ships from Hong Kong. 1.Size: 44*35*7cm. 2.Reduces pressure on the coccyx, tailbone and hip bones while sitting. 3.Superior comfort for a chair, car seat, plane or wheelchair. 4.Patented design promotes healthy weight distribution, posture and spine alignment. 5.Assists in the relief and treatment of lower back pain, numbness, and pressure sores. 1.Size: 44*35*7cm. 2.Reduces pressure on the coccyx, tailbone and hip bones while sitting. 3.Superior comfort for a chair, car seat, plane or wheelchair. 4.Patented design promotes healthy weight distribution, posture and spine alignment. 5.Assists in the relief and treatment of lower back pain, numbness, and pressure sores.