. Case of [24] Preassembled Boys' Printed Backpacks & 20 Piece School Supply Kit .

. Case of [24] Preassembled Boys' Printed Backpacks & 20 Piece School Supply Kit .
Артикул: H899-2365908
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This item is sold by cases of: [24] items.

Each school supply kit is individually packed in a 17" Backpack (Prints shown in picture) with the following supplies: 1 Pack of 5Crayons , 1 Sharpener with Dome Cover (assorted colors), 1 Two Pocket Folder (assorted colors), 2 Pink Erasers, 70 Page Spiral Notebook (assorted colors), 1 Pack of 3 Pencils, and 1 Pencil Case (assorted colors). This kit will have the K-3 students ready to start thaat first day.17" Backpacks - Prints shown1 Pack of 5Crayons, 1 Sharpener with Dome Cover (assorted colors)1 Two Pocket Folder, 2 Pink Erasers70 Page Spiral Notebook, (3) #2 Pencils, 1 Pencil Case3 Pens (Both Blue & Black), 1 Glue Stick12" Ruler (assorted colors), 1 Highlighter24 Prepacked backpacks per case