VariGrip Sport Adjustable Resistance Finger Exerciser

VariGrip Sport Adjustable Resistance Finger Exerciser
Référence: B731-VGSP
Vendeur: Archiea Heidi
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VariGrip Sport is the only hand exerciser with patented variable resistance technology which provides customized conditioning for each individual finger as well as the entire hand wrist and forearm * Increase circulation resulting in better control and command giving you a competitive advantage * Extra-wide base disperses pressure evenly and is extremely comfortable * A smarter way to develop strength endurance dexterity and circulation * Portable and ergonomic in design VariGrip Sport allows you to work out anywhere anytime * Medium thru Extra-Heavy resistances: 5 LBS (2.27 KG) thru 9 LBS (4.1 KG) *

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