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Privacy Policy


The ZooBubble.com Privacy Policy provides information regarding accuracy, access, security and how ZooBubble.com controls client information acquired from its Website(s).

The ZooBubble.com Website mission

The mission of the ZooBubble.com Website is to provide clients with the most up-to-date product and company information and present it in a manner best suited to their needs.

The ZooBubble.com Website may be accessed by users over the age of 18 on a 24/7 basis.

The ZooBubble.com Website is a consumer accurate source of information on ZooBubble.com including its products / profiles / services. Questions regarding the accuracy of information on the ZooBubble.com Website may be directed to Team@ZooBubble.com.

Handling of personal information

ZooBubble.com requests information from clients if they choose to subscribe to email lists, place orders, register for events, register for membership, or if they choose to respond to advertising or promotions. This personal information is necessary in order for ZooBubble.com to fulfill the client's request.

This information may also be used by ZooBubble.com to contact or update the client with periodic ZooBubble.com publications, product details or other special offers. ZooBubble.com does not allow other companies to offer services or products of value to the client. The client may unsubscribe or request that their information not be shared by directing their request to Team@ZooBubble.com. Please provide the exact name and address. In the case of email, only clients who have consented to receive email updates are included on email lists and instructions on how to "unsubscribe" from further solicitations is included in every such email they receive from ZooBubble.com. ZooBubble.com does not share email addresses with other companies. ZooBubble.com does not partner with or have any special relationships with any ad server companies.

From time to time, ZooBubble.com may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. If information practices change at some time in the future ZooBubble.com will post the policy changes to the ZooBubble.com Website to notify the client of these changes and provide instructions to opt-out of these new uses. Clients concerned with how information is used should check back at the ZooBubble.com Website periodically.

ZooBubble.com Website management uses IP addresses to diagnose Web server problems and to administrate the ZooBubble.com Website. Cookies may be used to store client variables such as member logins across sessions.

If you feel that this site is not following its stated information policy, ZooBubble.com may be contacted at Team@ZooBubble.com.

ZooBubble.com is not interested in minors as clients

ZooBubble.com has no desire to collect information from those under the age of 18. In an instance where such information was collected it would be purely accidental and unintentional. ZooBubble.com encourages parents to discuss the Internet with their children and monitor personal information that a child may provide via the Internet.

Unauthorized Use or Abuse of ZooBubble.com

Unauthorized Use or Abuse of ZooBubble.com will result in criminal prosecution. This site is exclusively for the use by our customers for the placing of profiles/ products / services/ ads for the purpose of advertising, buying, selling, and social media related services.

Payment and Shipping

All our products and services payments are secured with PayPal for your security and safety. Please contact sellers directly for all shipping and payment resolutions.


Please use ZooBubble.com responsibly for the benefit of all.