A Bold Election Challenge Moves Ahead in the Nevada Courts

Originally Posted on https://joehoft.com
Référence: Election
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by Martel Maxim - Originally Posted on joehoft.com

December 20, 2024.

Inspired by the grit and determination of Former Mesa County, Colorado Election Clerk Tina Peters (who is currently serving a 9 year prison sentence in Colorado for revealing the capabilities of corruption in our national election ecosystem), Mr. Andy Thompson from Las Vegas, NV today stood up in a Clark County, Nevada District Court with his own Pro Se case regarding suspected Election Malfeasance. It was a long detailed journey from Nov 5th to Dec 19th to compile all evidence, and Judge Reynolds carefully listened to Mr. Thompson speak eloquently on behalf of all his fellow citizens about concerns that could no longer be ignored when it comes to our elections.

The focus centered on how ‘We The People’ must stand up when suspecting malfeasance at the highest levels of our Government, especially concerning elections. The complaint itself cited numerous technical findings by adept accounting experts, which left many important questions unanswered about how the Nov 2024 Election could have ever been Certified by the Clark County Commission.

Mr. Thompson’s testimony centered on detailed documentation of tens of thousands of missing ballots from the updated totals and tens of thousands of ballots with no votes for any presidential candidates. The Judge fairly heard all the facts, and then deferred to the Defense team of the Nevada Secretary of State (SOS) for their response to Mr. Thompson’s allegations. Because it’s unlikely that the Defense actually had a defense, their key response centered on administrative details, such as not officially ‘Serving’ the SOS, thus making this case a non-starter for a judgment. Additionally the Defense pointed out that the case did not name any injured parties (Candidates who lost), and therefore the case was moot.

The good news however is that the Judge accepted the case, and provided a roadmap for moving it forward in a next iteration in accordance with the Judge’s input. The heart of the case has been brought not just on the behalf of candidates but on behalf of “The People of Nevada” (and actually the entire United States) being the injured parties, as the results in Nevada have a vast impact on the number of House and Senate seats held in Washington DC. The Nevada candidates themselves actually have nothing to do with the believed to be flawed Nevada process, which caused the suspected subversion of vote tallies, and also has nothing to do with Party Affiliation. Of special note it’s important to recognize that although President Trump won Nevada, Andy was not afraid to ‘rock that boat’ and still call out the malfeasance he suspects.

While the Judge and the Defense were correct that the case was not officially served, this administrative process was not well understood by Mr. Thompson at the time of submittal, as he was consumed with researching and creating the case for consideration by the Court System in a timely manner. Andy must be recognized and is greatly deserving of credit for doing what it took for him to author and submit the case Pro Se.

While he did solicit professional legal help, not one local attorney would agree to assist (he even had personal funds set aside to pay attorney fees). This shows how the nationwide bullying of attorneys has paid off for the Deep State, as most attorneys are afraid of being disbarred for standing up for America by representing cases against suspected election fraud. Very sad.

The amended submittal by Mr. Thompson will next meet all Statutes and Rules required, as it is anticipated he will receive ample credible informal legal help to move it forward. If there are any lawyers out there who are concerned about the integrity of America’s elections and are willing to put service above self to assist, please click on https://joehoft.com/contact-joe/, and Joe will get your information anonymously to Andy.

It must be noted that there was great representation in the Courtroom today by the interested public, with about 20 in attendance. These are motivated citizens who represent the “Silent Majority” (approximately 65%) of all voters who know something is wrong with the transparency of our Election Ecosystem, but don’t know what they can do about it.
Sadly, however with a humorous twist, as soon as Andy left the courtroom, he received an email from the NV SOS Attorney who appeared virtually in the Courtroom to defend the SOS. Andy conveyed that it was very cordial, and that he (though he appreciated the sentiment) would decline to receive their “advice” as he fully intends to continue with the case.

With the Midterms coming in 2026, we have less than a year to revamp the entire election ecosystem, as reflected in the grim reality evident by so many post election ballot counts that mysteriously end up being tallied in overwhelming favor of Democrats (another Red Tsunami morphed into a tiny Red Ripple again).

With so much prima facie evidence being presented by Mr. Thompson in his case, there is no such thing as giving up, or pursuing any red-herring solutions that never confront the real issue of purging the election ecosystem of any and all components, processes and persons that do not implicitly promote and preserve our Republican form of Government.

Circling back now to Tina Peters now. As the “Sacrificial Lamb” of all those framing her for tampering with elections, Tina’s long road of incarceration continues, as she was recently transferred to another Prison in Colorado. Simultaneously however, Tina’s prior conviction for ‘Lying to the Judge’ when falsely accused of recording a proceeding by her iPad (which led to her spectacle arrest) was vacated by a Colorado Appellate Court.

The Court actions of Andy Thompson today are an important part of the legacy of Tina Peters, as both involve what Tina regularly described as ‘answering the call’ to do all we feel we are called to do to Save America. On a personal note from the author, I was there at Tina’s Trial, and along with many of her other friends as we watched her be railroaded into a conviction that involved lawfare resembling that which President Trump has endured.

Personally, being in the Courtroom with Andy entailed a bit of PTSD for me, as this was my first return to a courtroom since my friend Tina was unjustly sent away on October 3, 2024 to cover up for the Sins of the Deep State. Today in that Courtroom in “Sin City”, perhaps that narrative began to change because of the bold steps taken by Andy Thompson.

You can join the efforts of Tina and Andy by “Tying a Yellow Ribbon” for Tina, as the tyranny against her is ironically due to the election malfeasance she exposed. Today in that Nevada District Court, Andy gave his fullest measure by professionally exposing the malfeasance he suspected. Per Tina’s request, all of us are asked to also find our gift for how we can be part of the process to Save America, and soon Make It Great Again.

It’s totally up to us as “We The People” to accomplish this.