Portable Stainless Auto Car Cigarette Ashtray Extinguishing Ashtray Black

Portable Stainless Auto Car Cigarette Ashtray Extinguishing Ashtray Black
SKU: PS-AUT318293011-LIZZY00426
Vendedor: A1 Products
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Ship from Hong Kong.Size:7*6*5 cm.Car Ash Tray is a stylish sporty tray which is compact in design, fits directly into the vehicles cup holders.Stainless steel. Spring-clip gently holds your cigar perfectly horizontal. Fits most cup holders in nearly any vehicle. Sealable, hinged lid. Polished stainless steel finish The lid is attached so you don't lose it while using your ashtray Your cigar is gently held in-place for the ride Fits most automotive cupholders Compact body yet spacious storage