Aromaceutical™ Vegan Skin Stem Cell Cannabis Serum Perfume (10mL)

Cologne.Dog™ Aromaceutical™ nutriates and hydrates your superficial and deep skin with our stem cell formulation to support healthy collagen synthesis for serum-like anti-aging effects.
Vendedor: Cologne Dog
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Cologne.Dog™ Aromaceutical™ nutriates and hydrates your superficial and deep skin with our stem cell formulation to support healthy collagen synthesis for serum-like anti-aging effects.

Our formula keeps nutrients in an enhanced bioactive state, and does not contain cancerous solvents. Oil soluble nutrients and drugs remain soluble in oil, and water soluble nutrients and drugs remain soluble in water. We allow nature to behave naturally, and in return the effctiveness, potency, and bioactivity of our constituents are more readily available to benefit the skin and health of our clients.

Our products are vegan from animal-free sources, environmentally responsible from sustainable sources, never tested on animals and cruelty-free.

Avoid cancers with our solvent-free products.

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Cantidad 999+
Precio $29.00