THE LAST ENCORE (Author-Signed Hard Cover Collectible Book)

AMAZON #1 BEST SELLER | Goodreads Winner "Best Book Trailer" | Literary Fiction that explores a controversial psychological phenomenon called GSA. An old woman with a dark secret hatches a plot to bring two people together for her own mysterious reasons. They were meant to meet, but it was never part of the plan for them to fall in love. Life seldom follows a predictible path. However, rarely does it veer so violently off track, crashing through the boundaries of all convention and entering the unexplored territory that lies beyond the realm of normalcy. Compelled by irresistable inner forces, the two lovers experience passion and share a bond as unbreakable as a Gordian knot, until a series of shocking revelations shatter everything they hold dear. The Last Encore explores the complexity of the human psyche on both physical and spiritual levels, and glorifies the powerful driving force of Love, capable of overcoming all, even the unthinkable...
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