Bare Cotton #1 White Wash Cloths, 100% Natural Cotton, 12 x 12, Commercial Grade, 24-Pack

Bare Cotton #1 White Wash Cloths, 100% Natural Cotton, 12 x 12, Commercial Grade, 24-Pack
SKU: 892-101-01
Vendedor: Sunrise Products
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Looking for the perfect wash cloth for day-to-day family use? You'd think that finding an affordable and durable everyday wash cloth would be an easy task. However; many wash cloths don't make the grade. Many are too thin or too rough and fray the first time out of the dryer. Some are so thick that they take two days to dry. Still others absorb little because they're made of polyester or other man-made fabrics that can't hold liquid. The wash cloth that meets your daily needs We made our wash cloths to meet the daily needs of your whole family. The economy 24-pack means you can have a fresh washcloth everyday without running out quickly. Or you can divide them up and use them in the bathroom; keep a few in the kitchen; a few in the nursery; and tuck a few into your gym bag. Royal Wash Cloth Towels can be used as either a wash cloth or hospitality cleaning towel and features include: Generous 12 x 12 size Finished edges to prevent unraveling Lightweight; super-absorbent 100% natural cotton fiber Soft enough to be non-irritating but firm enough for proper exfoliation Machine washable with minimal lint or shedding Dries quickly Can be used for a multitude of household tasks .