This balance training bike is suitable for children aged 18 months to 5 years.
The pedal-free design will help your child learn bike riding skills quickly and then eventually learn to ride a traditional pedal bike more easily. It will help develop your child's balance coordination and self-confidence. The seat and handlebar are height-adjustable to accommodate growing children. Shock-absorbing and wear-resistant foam-filled tires are suitable for a variety of surfaces.
If you are looking for this product don't hesitate to place an order!
- Pedal-free design helps children learn bicycle skills and develop a sense of balance
- Adjustable seat and handlebar meet the different heights of children of all ages
- The seat is ergonomically designed breathable and comfortable to ride
- The aluminum structure is corrosion-resistant and rust-proof
- With two non-slip stickers the child's feet can be placed on it for easy riding
- The removable protective cover prevents kids increases safety
- 12-inch foam-filled tires are shock-absorbing and wear-resistant require no inflation
- Weighing only 5 lbs. the bike is light and easy to carry
- ASTM certified the materials are safe for children
- Suitable for kids aged 18 months to 5 years