#1 Jet Black Pro Fringe Clip In Bangs

#1 Jet Black Pro Fringe Clip In Bangs
SKU: K940-PRFR-1
Vendedor: Archiea Heidi
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This set of Pro Fringe Clip In Bangs is Colored #1, JET BLACK.

These 100% Human Hair clip in bangs are a snap! Simple and fun, they change your look in seconds! Add volume, frame your face, or just change your entire look with this great set of Pro Fringe Clip In Bangs.

This 22 gram set contains 3 clips that connect to your hair. Each fringe set is constructed to ensure a snug hold. Our clips have a polymer coating to ensure no damage to your hair or discomfort to your scalp.

Each set contains 3 clips. The bottom 2 clips are 4" wide from left to right. The top clip is 2.5" above the bottom two. The bangs are 4" long from the bottom clips to the tips of the hair. The side fringes are 10" long from clip to tip.