Combine with safety and comfort this toddler tricycle is the perfect choice for your adorable kid!
This push bike with 3-position adjustable seat can be changed into 4 different configurations (stroller push tricycle learn-to-ride tricycle and independent tricycle) which grows with your child. Furthermore the detachable guardrail 3-point safety harness adjustable canopy and breathable seat pad keep your kid safe and comfortable. Considering your convenience this push tricycle features an adjustable push handle with 3 different positions so you can adjust it according to your height. And the double brakes help you to fix it in the place. Likewise the large storage box brings extra convenience. Additionally you can push this tricycle on different roads thanks to its anti-slip and shockproof EVA wheels.
If you are looking for a toddler tricycle like this do not hesitate to place an order!
- 4-in-1 design accompanies the growth of your toddler
- 3-position adjustable seat for kids from different ages
- Prevents your kid from turning over with 3-point safety harness
- Unlimited adjustable canopy avoids direct sunlight
- Breathable seat pad for comfortable sitting experience
- Detachable guardrail for toddler getting in and out easier
- 3-level height adjustable handle for parents of different heights
- Design with a bell and double brake system for safety riding
- Anti-slip and shockproof EVA wheels for different roads
- Put kid's essentials in a large storage box for great convenience
- Interact with your child through peek-a-boo window
- Suitable for children from 1 to 6 years old
- ASTM certification for safe use