STANLEY BC25BS Battery Charger/Maintainer with Engine Start (25-Amp Charger, 75-Amp Starter)

STANLEY BC25BS Battery Charger/Maintainer with Engine Start (25-Amp Charger, 75-Amp Starter)
Seller: Peak Products
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3A/25A/75A battery charger & maintainer; Automatically selects charge rate & adjusts from rapid charge to trickle charge to maximize battery life; 75A patented engine start to jump-start a vehicle in 90 sec; Alternator check indicates potential alternator issues; Battery reconditioning technology helps reverse sulfate buildup on battery plates to improve charging carrying capability & extend battery life; LCD screen with easy-to-read icons; Reverse-polarity protection; Includes heavy-duty cables, metal clamps & user manual;

Length: 14.80"
Width: 9.80"
Height: 5.80"