Spinning Fishing Reel Metal Fishing Tackle TEB200 11 Shaft 2000

Spinning Fishing Reel Metal Fishing Tackle TEB200 11 Shaft 2000
SKU: C122-55574
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This elegant and casual vintage look side table with storage brings a traditional touch and charming flair to your space. The chic appearance of our vintage look round table will surely brighten up your room. This versatile piece works great as an end table, side table, or nightstand giving you good storage and display space in a compact footprint. Features include a round wooden top, small easy open drawer, wooden bottom shelf and four stylish knee legs. This good looking accent piece will surely make a practical, functional and inspiring design statement. 24" X 18" X 18"
Case Pack: 1
Color: Black
Material: Wood, Veneer (Wood), Composite Wood
Finish: Black
Number Of Cartons: 1