Win-Win Negotiation Training New-York 2 days

To achieve the above goals, preparation, planning and structured thinking are important pre-requisites, but they alone will not ensure your success!
数量: Coach The World
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Win-Win Negotiation Training in House 2 days

In this program participants will discover and learn about:

how to reach mutually satisfying agreements (WIN-WIN concept) by

• disengaging the people from the problem,

• focusing on interests, not positions and

• working together to find creative and fair options.

To achieve the above goals, preparation, planning and structured thinking are important pre-requisites, but they alone will not ensure your success!

Duration: 2 Days / This program is valid for 14 PDCs for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM.

Participants: 4 - 6

Who should attend?

Professional negotiators, top managers, sales managers, account managers, purchasing managers, supply chain and procurement representatives.

Course objectives

During training, alongside the WIN-WIN concept, both the communicative behavior of the negotiators and the reaction from the partners are observed and recorded.

The outcome is compared with the Siegel Communication Analysis Model CA®. The results give a clear indicator for areas of improvement and form part of the personalized feedback sessions.



• Setting objectives and fallbacks (yours and


• Define negotiable issues, priorities and

limits; define the mandate

• Determine the cost of concessions


• Evaluation of own strengths and weaknesses

as well as the balance of power

• Planning for options and how to bargain and


• Planning to deal with different personalities

(based on e-stimate®)

• Long term success versus short term success

Conducting negotiations

• CA®-model for your communicative success

• Persuasion, power, bargaining

• Overcoming difficult situations (deadlocks) in negotiations

Successful outcomes


Combines and connects theoretical input with intensive practical exercises and role training, supported by audio recordings for analysis..

Package price for a two days training In-house:

US$ 9’650.00 for 6 delegates including 1 Trainer, all material including a e-stimate® sales profile

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We also provide individual online coaching sessions on to guarantee the implementation of the ODIR® strategy and therefore a measurable success.