What is happening on Maui during & after the fire?

Are you questioning the mainstream narrative?
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There are those of us painfully aware that if we want the TRUTH, we do not look to the mainstream media,  the conglomerates all owned by the same entities and serve the SAME MASTER!   We are also aware that we must get the truth out for the world to see, to know, to process and to heal.  The first step in this is to be able to communicate on a platform that THEY DO NOT CONTROL!  This is why I'm writing here :)


I live on the island of Maui, on the North shore.  My business is on the South shore.  I am a galactic Shaman, High Priestess of the Magdalene lineage, Blue ray master healer, DNA key code activator, etc.  I am also a Realtor/property Manager in this dimension.  I share all of this to say some of what I will share will be more esoteric and other things will be more grounded in this dimension- although it's ALL GROUNDED!  it is all pertinent and all important, so please hang in there with me.


I would like to start off by sharing what is physically happening here on Maui, then get into a higher perspective, from my own viewpoint and my own guidance.


The day of the Maui fire:

Fire hydrants were dry

Fire Marshal is of island

Maui Mayor & Hawaii Governor are off island

People trying to evacuate were told "it's not time" & to turn back around into the fire

No police on bullhorns.  No emergency personnel in the streets warning people.


Anomalies were reporting wind directions that don't scientifically add up

Missing children- numbers very conflicting- WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN?

Perfect circle of fire around Lahaina

Molten metal next to intact trees

Trees burning from the inside out 

Media reporting fractions of real numbers

Certain things the fire didn't burn while other things did (like melted metal!)

No water or electricity

CONTAMINATED WATER (Upcountry Maui as well!)


This above are just facts.  There is much more and as I continue from here I will continue to share.  I manage 19 vacation rentals on the South shore.  They are all condos that are individually owned and the owners have me rent them out when they aren't using it themselves.  We very quickly became a "triage" for displaced people within a couple days of the fire, and there were so many families living in their cars, even multiple generations in a small car! We quickly cancelled all vacationers through the month of August to open up space to house those that were displaced, learning pretty quickly that we had over 3,000 displaced residents needing a place to live!  This is currently where we are at, over 2 weeks after the deadly fire (fires!).  There are many that were given a few weeks at an Air BNB or money through FEMA.  However, what is the plan in another couple weeks?  Where will these people go?  Their houses will not be rebuilt in a few weeks..

I have personally talked with people that were sleeping in their cars so they weren't at a FEMA run shelter.  They told me they were not allowed to go get food at the shelter because they were not "registered with FEMA" and they were turned away.  How is this helping?  What exactly was FEMA doing here if not feeding people?   Just one small observation.  Also, so many eye witnesses that stated they NEVER saw FEMA or the Red Cross in Lahaina.  There are also eye witnesses that placed FEMA workers staying at the Grand Wailea (I have heard of the Four Seasons Wailea and the Marriott as well, but only saw pictures from the Grand Wailea).  It's not adding up.

I spoke with people trying to receive the $700 Biden authorized to the Maui fire victims.  They have to "interview" with FEMA and jump through a number of hoops to get approved to have a check mailed to them in the next few weeks.  I was told it is online, and many do not have easy access to the internet.  On the west side of Maui they do not have much in the way of communication.  I understand David Crosby hooked up with Elon Musk and brought a Star Link to the West side.  However, this is it.  I saw national news reporting satelites were brought in to give locals communication. THIS IS UNTRUE!  I currently have a guest from Kaanapali that came to the South shore to work becasue he didn't have internet either- it wasn't just the area of the fire in Lahiana, it was/is the west side of the island.

There are video acounts and eye witness testimony of BOTH ends of Lahiana being blocked by police and not letting people past the barricades.  They were "following orders".

There is video evidence of a distribution center in west Maui being shut down by a police officer.  He announced on a bullhorn and stated "I'm following orders.  The powers that be said to shut it down" while people are yelling "NO!" There was a line of thousands of people waiting for supplies.

I have heard eye witnesss testimony of people cooking meals and taking them to Lahaina and they were taken away and not allowed to be given to hungry residents becasue they "weren't cooked in a commercially approved kitchen".  Seriously, who could make this stuff up folks???  Other eye witnesses state bags and bags and bags of donated items that were NOT ALLOWED to be given to the people becasue they didn't go through FEMA.

Eric West is a Realtor on the West side of this island, where Lahaina is located.  He's done a stellar job of documenting everything since the day after Lahaina burned down.  He and his teenage boys wrote their dirt bikes through Lahaina town, along with a drone, and fully mapped all of Lahaina.  He showed what burned- what DIDN'T BURN.  He has been interviewing residents to have a data base of testimonials on what people saw, what they had to do, what kind of help/or not help  they have received, what they need, etc.  I will be adding a lot of his videos for you becasue this is vital information!  Eric is asking:

Please ask anyone that you know in Lahaina to upload their content or video they took to archive.org 

This is for investigation purposes if things were tampered with after the fire.

If this was due to a power line and not a "wildfire", then this is a very different situation. 

The whole of Lahaina also now becomes a crime scene. It will be very helpful if you were there, have footage or know someone who has footage to upload it to archive.org and put it on a HDD as proof.

I wanted to share this for all of you wondering how it will be kept in the right hands.


Yesterday I saw info about siging up with FEMA and I have not verified this, but anyone awake and aware KNOWS they are corrupt as the day is long.  Here is what I read:

DO NOT sign up with FEMA.  you will lose your rights!  If you take money you lose your rights to a lawsuit.  All those people down at the hotel wearing wrist bands, are signing at the computers.

Spread the word

This is what happened in paradise, CA.

They gave people $5,000 and then they cannot sue the government or insurance companies.

AGAIN, i haven't verified if this is truth.  I have someone in one of my units right now that FEMA gave her $5,000 towards an Air BNB stay and in another week or so...what is she going to do?  I'ts a one time payment only.


Several days after the 8/8/23 fire a book was published on Amazon, called Fire and Fury, the untold story of the 2023 maui fire.  WHAT????  it was written, reason for the fire already outlined in this book, printed, and on sale on Amazon DAYS AFTER THE FIRE.  Again, cannot make this stuff up....  It is now off of Amazon but you can find many articles and videos about this.


On my video 2 days ago I mentioned that bodies had washed up on the shore of Lanai'i.  I have been following this and it seems we still cannot confirm if this is truth or not.  There were many bodies in the water that eye witnesses have seen, but we do not know if any have actually washed up on lanai'i.  I wanted to correct that since this isn't confirmed!

My biggest question that started many days into this is this:  WHERE IS THE U.S. MILITARY???  Maui is SCREAMING that we haven't had help.  Oahu has many huge military bases and are hours away from Maui by ship.  WHY DID THEY NOT COME????  They could have drop shipped supplies into Lahaina, as a minium (Residents are not leaving their aina!).  WHY ARE THEY NOT HERE??????


UpCountry Maui also has contaminated water.  These residents are not getting any assistance for clean water.  WHY????  Residents had no water to fight their house fires on 8/8/23 and there are video testimonials of people pulling water out of their toilets to combat the fire! 


A little more essoteric:

It's time for humanity to fully awaken and take their power back.  TO STAND IN THEIR SOVEREIGNTY!  EVERY-SINGLE-ONE of us!!!

Hours before I was made aware of the fires in Lahaina,  Gaia (the consciousness of our Planet) started communicating with me and working through me.  I was asked to do some massive releasing of trauma and frequencies that humans have been carrying and stuck in their root and sacral chakras.  These are the bottom 2 chakras in your 3rd dimensional chakra sysytem.  I say 3rd dimensional because as you raise your vibration and frequency you have access to many more and much more of your "library".  I was told to focus on root chakra issues: fear, anger, hopelessness, frustration, depression..

and the sacral chakra: every way that sex has been bastardized in our society over millenia! rape, incest, shame, guilt, trauma, embarassment, everything that is not DIVINE.

You need to INNERstand that your energy doesn't just stay contained in your physical body.  You have a field that is many feet around you.  It can be MUCH larger than this, it depends upon you, and you working with your field and your awareness.  So, when you carry these discordant energies they don't stay contained within you, they leach out around you and also go into the soil of our Beloved planet. I was asked to focus on each of these energies I just stated from the root and sacral chakras, to clear each one and ground that into our 7th dimensional crystalline grid for the higher self of all of humanity here on maui to grab and anchor.  This doesn't need to make sense to you, I am just wanting to explain that I was asked to do this, by Gaia, hours before I knew anything about the Lahiana fire.  I would also like to take this opportunity to share that because your energy doesn't STAY CONTAINED within your field, there is a really good reason every human was made to stand SIX FEET APART for the past 3+ years.  When you stand next to someone and your fields overlap (vesica piscis) you affect the other fields you are overlapping.  You download codes from eachother and we are all assisting each other in decoding our dormant DNA.  They will not be telling you this on the 6:00 news!  WE ALWAYS AFFECT EACH OTHER!!!


i was made aware that we are processing the trauma of the destruction of Lemuria! Lemuria was previously where the Hawaiian Islands are to Australia and New Zealand.  The pain and trauma of that large land mass being destroyed 13,000 years ago is still imprinted into the land and we are moving through all of this trauma NOW.  If you have been serisouly grieving and you are not here, not really connected to Maui at all and do not INNERstand why you are geiving so deeply, this may very well be why.  We must allow this to move through us so we can heal & transmute it.  As you know, energy is never created nor destroyed.  Therefore, we must realy look at all traumas, all pain, feel it, allow it to move through us, then transmute it into a higher frequency.  There are many ways to do this and if you need direction, please reach out to me- I'm so happy to help in anyway I can!


The highest perspective from me: it is time for ALL on this Planet to see what has been happening.  WHO/WHAT has been in control of this Planet for so many milenia, and for each of us to wake up to our Divinity.  There is a percentage of us on here that has been doing this, showing the way, grounding codes into the grid and assisting humanity from behind the scenes.  It's time to be less in the background and for all of us to come out of the "spiritual closet' and announce WHO WE TRULY ARE and to show the way back to wholeness.  I firmly believe that Maui will be leading the way back to the light.  Showing the rest of the Planet a roadmap where they will follow suit, and we WILL turn this Planet around!!!  But first, we must heal the pain and trauma.


I feel like there is so much more I wanted to share and I'm sure as I continue from day to day I will have much more to say.  I just wanted to start this blog so I can share TRUTH on a platform that is not in the hands of those controlling factions and those censoring us.  WE WILL NOT BE CENSORED OR QUIET while our brothers and sisters need all our help!  Please consider giving to these locally created/run organizations.  If you have something to OFFER the people, you can add that on MauiLFG site (Let's Fill in the Gaps!)

Please give to LahainaFireFund.com & www.MauiLFG.org


Thank you for reading and for giving. PLEASE hold Maui in your heart and send LOVE- it is the highest frequency and will truly make a difference!


Warmest aloha & SO MUCH LOVE~

Deb Guimond Heart