Stock Market News and Advice Hey there! I’m Tela. A mom, wife, stocks and options trader, 9 to 5 survivor, risk taker and freedom catcher … but that hasn’t always been my life. I understand the frustration that comes with feeling forced to clock into an employer’s dream. I also know the rewards of giving my damn self raises, bonuses and “promotions” and doing what brings ME joy. You see, in 2009, I was so over the 9 to 5 life when I became intrigued by the stock market. But the way it was being taught was confusing as hell! Nevertheless, I blazed up my brain, devoured as much information as I could (and lost money) until I’d found a way of trading that would position me to pay off all my debt and reach FIRE (financial independence, retire early) at 29.
6935 Aliante PKY Suite 104-236, Las Vegas, NV 89084
(702) 556-5622