Gary Strydom is a South African/Afrikaner/American citizen...IFBB Pro and Gary Strydom was the WBF Champ. THE ABOMINABLE BODYBUILDER: Bodybuilding has swayed away from something that is naturally appealing to most even those that are not into bodybuilding. (Forget just bodybuilder to bodybuilder). Bodybuilding has become “blinded and one dimensional” gross to the point where guys look like reverse “Coke bottles” and those are not my words…We know the brain has it’s own mind when it sees something that is naturally beautiful it will register the following and in this order. The natural line and symmetry of a man or be it a woman has very specific aesthetics. Also the brain and eye will register the defined “muscle mass factor” with respects to the frame meaning if you short you can not have the mass of a tall person and if you tall you need more lean muscle to fill your frame. If that MUSCLE MASS FACTOR is over done short or tall you will look off. If it’s under done you can still manage that going forward slowly adding lean muscle mass but once you put on too much you wrong!!!. If you build any one part out of sync you going to be unbalanced and going to be wrong again. If you bloat your stomach or face or any body part with water, fat or with synthol you wrong as well. Are these things written down anywhere as a guideline for the IFBB???. Yes they are but they ignored them giving credit to this new cycle of mass before beauty. Beautiful bodybuilding and body sculpting can easily be seen through the eye of the beholder. Today has this system of recognizing beauty by the eye of the beholder been maintained by the JUDGES of bodybuilding shows worldwide??. HELL NO. They so far off they have even established a preferred way to do compulsories making poses look “blocky LIke” taking away from the beauty of the game and the physique . Am I wrong in thinking that our sport needs a check and soon!!!??. Please follow me on my personal page www.facebook.com/garysstrydom.